Tag: meditation

The Absolute Best Way to Breathe to De-Stress

Stress is your body’s natural defense against danger. It pushes the body to either fight-or-flight. During times of stress, your heart races, muscles tighten,...

Why Meditating Alone Isn’t Enough: 6 Benefits Of Communal Meditation

Meditation can be a life-changing journey and a deeply personal experience. However, there’s more to meditation than simply sitting alone. Communal or group meditation...

5 Reasons You’re Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night...

Few things can be as frustrating as waking up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep. This phenomenon, called middle...

While Thai Boys Were Trapped In A Cave, They Did THIS...

After 18 days trapped in a cave in northern Thailand, all 12 Thai soccer players and their soccer coach have successfully been rescued. “We are...

7 Ancient Ayurvedic Health Care Rituals You Can Do Today

Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, but it can only do so much. And with chronic disease now more prevalent in the Western world...

5 Ways Your Cell Phone Is Changing Your Brain

“Your brain is wider than the sky...  and deeper than the sea” wrote the poet Emily Dickinson. The interconnections and complexities of your grey...

7 Ways To Naturally Increase Gamma Waves In The Brain (And...

Your brain is a pretty darn impressive organ. So impressive, in fact, that there’s no other organ on Earth with greater complexity than the...

Broken Down: 7 Free Meditation Apps And Why We Love Them

We're all different and we get our motivation and energy from a variety of sources. For many people, meditation is a wonderful, convenient and...

5 Life Lessons From The Morning Routines Of Successful People

"Opportunities don't happen. You create them,” says photographer Chris Grosser. That proactive attitude often separates highly successful people from those of us who are...

Should You Get High Or Get Still? Meditation Vs. Marijuana For...

Anxiety has been likened to quicksand — it is a mindset that is difficult to escape. Rates of the condition appear to be on...