Tag: heart attack

Satisfy Your Sugary Desires and Slash Your Risk of Heart Disease...

Honey is the famed superfood that tastes delicious and is actually incredibly good for you. Unlike other sweeteners, raw honey, produced from bees, is...

This Type Of Stress Is 13x More Likely To Give You...

Everyone knows stress can be terrible for your health, but recent research suggests not all stress is created equal. In fact, one type in...

This Body Part Predicts If You Will Die Of A Heart...

How do you know if you’ll die from heart disease? It turns out the size of your arm can tell you a lot more...

5 Scary Reasons To Stop Taking Multivitamins (And What To Take...

In the United States, 52 percent of people report taking at least one dietary supplement and collectively they spend $28 billion a year on...

5 Foot Yoga Poses You Should Be Doing Every Day

Our feet carry more weight than we realize. Not only do they bear the force of up to seven times our body weight depending...

Does Donald Trump Have Heart Disease?

Half of all Americans are at risk of a heart attack, but is President Donald Trump one of them? This week, CNN’s Chief Medical...

Try These 5 Tricks To Protect Your Heart During The Holidays

The holidays can be stressful for anyone, but doctors especially cringe at the thought of this season. That’s because at no other time during...

A Heart Attack At Age 40 Taught Me THIS About Credit...

Ugh, the crazy world of credit. You don't want to spend money that is not yours but somehow you get tangled up in the...

This Tooth Problem Could Cause A Heart Attack

When we think about heart disease risk factors, several things come to mind. An obvious one is an unhealthy diet. We all know that...

Bizzare Things Your Teeth Are Trying To Tell You

Most of us are aware of the importance of regularly brushing, flossing and taking care of our teeth. But you may not know that...