Tag: organic

9 Reasons To Raise Backyard Chickens

Worldwide, more than 50 billion chickens are slaughtered each year and another 305 million hens are used for egg production. In fact, more chickens...

If You’re Buying Meat, Watch Out For This On The Label

So, what’s the difference between natural and organic, or free-range versus grass-fed? Meat terminology can be confusing. But health-conscious carnivores who care about animal...

Does it Really Matter if I Get Organic Butter or Not?

Butter has been around for about 9000 years. A happy accident that quickly became a staple in most people’s homes. What was once a...

Buying Local Could Save Your Health and Make America a Better...

While the local food movement may seem like a relatively new thing, it was born out of a shift in the federal farm policy...

How Many Pesticides Are You Consuming? Here’s The 2018 Dirty Dozen

A full 70 percent of traditionally grown produce from shops, even after being carefully washed or peeled, contain pesticide residues. The Environmental Working Group (EWG)...

5 Tips From The Blue Zone To Help You Live Longer

A person needs a little madness every once and awhile, or else they’ll go crazy. I’m paraphrasing words from a character in the novel...

3 Reasons I Don’t Always Wash My Organic Produce

If you’re anything like me, you walk into any supermarket with a distrustful squint in your eye and a mind that’s fully focused on...

4 Great Reasons To Start Your Own Veggie Patch, Right Now

Maybe it’s just me, but lately I’ve noticed a lot of shows on TV along the lines of “eating well for less.” The shows...

Never Put Eggs On THIS Part Of The Fridge

Did you know that where you store your eggs in the refrigerator could mean a difference of eating a fresh egg versus one that...

If You See This Label On Fruit, Avoid It All Costs....

If you’re serious about your health, chances are you’ve made at least some attempt to read the labels on the foods you buy at...