Tag: health

13 Foods That Scrub Our Arteries Clean

As we get older, the collective opinions of the medical community and the mainstream media begin to instill a fear of cardiovascular disease in...

7 Secret Things Your Tongue Is Trying To Tell You

Next time someone sticks their tongue out at you, grab it and take a good long look. Not only will this scare the heck...

13 Foods To Never Eat (#5 May Surprise You)

These days, it’s hard to know which foods are good to eat and which foods you should avoid with a 10-foot pole. This diet...

Just Four Stalks Of Celery A Day Can Reduce High Blood...

There’s a misconception floating around that celery is no more than a crunchy, low-calorie food used to alleviate hunger. But nothing could be further...

11 Signs That Your Adrenals Are Spent

While your adrenals may be small, they're kind of a big deal. They sit on top of your kidneys and control a wide range...

3 Ingredient Tonics For The Best Health Ever

As a nation, we’re fascinated with the concept of miraculous healing. Presumably, this miracle can come in the form of a pill, tea or...

5 Very Good Reasons To Eat Avocado Seeds

There aren’t many people out there who don’t like avocados. They’re creamy, delicious, brilliantly versatile and undeniably one of the greatest superfoods available on...

7 Reasons to Eat a Raw Egg Daily

I don't know about you, but I remember when I was a kid and I loved to steal my mother's raw cookie dough from...

3 Reasons to Use Mushrooms as Medicine

Medicinal mushrooms have been collected for millennia and used to make wonderful teas and tinctures that support health. Traditional cultures and modern natural health...

Cholesterol Too High? Consider These Factors

Cholesterol has gotten a bad reputation over the last couple decades, and today it is still viewed like a dirty word. It has been...