Tag: color

7 Things You Might Not Know About Poop

Although it might not be the best topic for a first date or a dinner party, poop or human excrement is actually rather an...

Is Your Breakfast Dyed Red From Crushed Bugs? Here’s How To...

There are certain things we just take for granted. When we get up in the morning, we expect water to come out of the...

Internet Debate-What Color Are These Shoes?

There is a new controversy dividing the internet about the color of these shoes, and it is giving the dress controversy a run for...

What the Color of Your Pee is Telling You

Sometimes it's surprising how unexpected simple things can tell us a lot about our state of health. Take for example the color of urine...

What the Color of Your Snot is Telling You

It may be an untraditional method of examination, but paying closer attention to the color, and perhaps texture, of your nasal mucus could tell...

Does Eye Color Impact Pain Tolerance?

Studies have shown that a person’s eye color can determine how much pain they can tolerate. What gives? Well, it seems that the genes...