Katherine Marko


Thongs, Why You Should Never Wear Them

Thongs, are they really a necessary staple in your wardrobe? Let’s face it, thongs have a magical way of making you feel fabulously sexy...

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health

Did you know your tongue offers a wealth of information about your health? If your tongue is pink and covered with papillae (small nodules),...

5 Super Seeds You Should Be Eating Daily

Eating seeds is not just a passing fad. Seeds are the foundation of life for developing plants. So, it makes sense that they are...

Here’s What Happens if You Never Clean Out Your Washing Machine

Why would you need to clean a washing machine? Doesn’t all that water and soap sloshing around keep it clean and fresh? Actually, no....

7 Natural Ways To Help Clear Your Lungs

The lungs are susceptible to infection due to particle exposure, chemicals, and infectious viruses. In fact, it’s estimated that four million people die annually...

Disinfect These Areas in Your Home Daily

Experts agree, during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to clean and disinfect all those surfaces your family touches daily. It’s estimated that COVID-19 can...

If You’re Buying Meat, Watch Out For This On The Label

So, what’s the difference between natural and organic, or free-range versus grass-fed? Meat terminology can be confusing. But health-conscious carnivores who care about animal...

7 Ways To Tighten Flabby Skin After Weight Loss

Skin is incredibly elastic. It stretches as we stretch and grows as we grow. So, it only makes sense that after weight loss, especially...

Is Dead Vagina Syndrome Real? Plus, 4 Ways To Boost Your...

About half of all American women use vibrators. Why does this matter? Because that’s how many women could possibly have “dead vagina syndrome”— if...

Why I Put Hydrogen Peroxide On My Vagina

For some women, vaginal hygiene and health is an awkward subject. But it really shouldn’t be. All women have vaginas and all women need...