Tag: weight

New Study: This Ancient Spice Can Help You Lose Weight

Research has already shown that black pepper can help improve digestion, reduce your risk of cancer, and boost your brain power, but a new...

7 Ways To Tighten Flabby Skin After Weight Loss

Skin is incredibly elastic. It stretches as we stretch and grows as we grow. So, it only makes sense that after weight loss, especially...

4 Signs Your Thyroid Is Making You Sick

Literally millions of Americans are living with either an under-treated or undiagnosed chronic condition. Unfortunately, symptoms simply become a part of everyday life. Groggy...

14 Signs Of A Stroke You Should NEVER Ignore

A rapid response to someone having a stroke can mean the difference between minor damage and long-term disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological...

What Your Waist Size Says About Your Brain

In the health community, a lot of importance is placed upon waist size. It is proven that a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio indicates obesity and is...

Add Seven to Ten Years to Your Life By Doing These...

What if someone asked you, “Would you like to add between seven and ten healthy, disease-free years to your life?”. You would likely say...

Eating Your Way Through Quarantine? Here’s How To Stop

If you’ve been finding yourself eating more than usual in recent times, it’s no surprise. You’ve likely been stuck in the house with a...

9 Things That Keep Your Joints Healthy as You Age

If you’re like most people, you don’t think much about your joints until they start complaining. But your joints deserve attention long before they...

Burn Double the Fat By Exercising This Way

To eat or not to eat before exercising in the morning? This question has been circulating for years and years. One group says yes,...

The Body Type That May Protect Men’s Heart

For years, doctors have attempted to develop an accurate tool for measuring one's risk factors and obesity using a simple calculation known as BMI...