Tag: teeth

Hydrogen Peroxide For Teeth Whitening, Hair And More

When I was a teen, hydrogen peroxide was my go-to teeth-whitener, and something I would spray on my hair to get that “sun kissed”...

21 Ways To Save Money With Baking Soda

When it comes to cleaning our kitchen sink, baking soda and vinegar are my go-to solution — works like a charm. Not only is...

7 Secret Things Your Tongue Is Trying To Tell You

Next time someone sticks their tongue out at you, grab it and take a good long look. Not only will this scare the heck...

Are You Giving Your Lover Cavities??

No one wants to come down with a yucky sickness, and we all know that colds, the flu, and painful strep throat are all...

Chances Are…Your Chewing Gum is Loaded with GMO Bacteria and is...

Chewing gum is something many people do often. For some, it’s a habit or a quick breath-freshening strategy. We chew on these flavored sticks...

This Condition May Cause You to Vomit Feces

If you think bad breath a result of something you ate for lunch smells nasty, it's nothing compared to breath that smells like feces....

10 Natural Ways to Save Your Teeth and Gums

Tooth decay and gum disease can be extremely painful, not to mention unsightly and expensive to treat. Luckily these conditions can be prevented with...

Pucker Up: Whiten Your Teeth and Brighten Your Skin With This...

There’s something simple and joyous about laying eyes on a fresh, vibrant lemon. Sitting in a fruit bowl or hanging out in the fruit...

Short Story: The Truth About Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes it can be hard to know if what you read on the internet is actually true. Since the internet is a public platform,...

7 Strange Yet Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

It’s picture time. You know the drill, keep your mouth shut at all costs. Over the years, you have perfected the closed mouth smile...