Tag: kombucha

Science Says: Soda is Killing Your Brain – Even Diet Soda

Have you given up your sugar-laden soda? If so, that is an excellent idea, but if you have replaced it with the sugar-free thing,...

19 Reasons To Drink Kombucha And How To Make Your Own

Kombucha is a fermented beverage which has taken the world completely by storm. If that new cafe down the road doesn’t offer it on...

Dangers Of Store-Bought Kombucha (And How To Make Your Own)

Like many products before it, kombucha seemed to appear overnight. A trend had been set and the health food industry began to take notice....

These Ancient Superfoods Can Combat Fatigue, Hypertension And More

These superfoods may be all the rage, but they’re hardly new on the scene. In fact, they’re so old, you could call them ancient....

Top 13 Priciest Superfoods: Are They Really Worth It?

The term "superfood" gets thrown around a lot these days; you see it on all sorts of product labels in nearly every aisle at...

Feeling Sick? Try These 5 Immune-Boosting Teas

Did you know that drinking tea can boost your immune system? While not all teas are created equal, some teas may actually help you...

Kombucha Moving to Liquor Stores?

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has stepped in over the alcohol content of kombucha. Recently, some kombucha tea products have...

Kombucha Tea is the Health Elixir You Need to Try Now

You may have seen it in your local health food or specialty store. It’s that interesting tea-like beverage sprouting a mushroom-like topping with various...