Tag: heart health

7 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Stop Having...

Regardless of your age, orientation, or relationship status, it’s normal for sexual activity to go in waves. There may be times when you’re raring...

5 Super Seeds You Should Be Eating Daily

Eating seeds is not just a passing fad. Seeds are the foundation of life for developing plants. So, it makes sense that they are...

Take This 16-Day Lemon Challenge For Great Skin, Weight Loss And...

Growing up in a conventional household, I didn’t have much of a grasp of the use of lemons beyond making lemonade in the summer....

11 Reasons To Eat Cherries

In the 1600s settlers brought cherry trees to America, and for good reason. Cherries, bright red, juicy and delicious, are so much more than...

This Ancient Nourishing Food is Great for Your Gut

Ghee is also known as clarified butter which is made by heating butter until the curds sink to the bottom and brown.  The foam...

Why You Should Always Breathe This Way for Better Health

Breathing is one of the most natural things we do - in fact, our bodies do it for us without a second thought even...

The Ancient Oil That Fights Cancer and Shrinks Tumors

If you’ve been staying on top of natural health trends, you may have heard of black seed oil. This multipurpose oil has a time-tested...

The Fruit that Looks like an Ovary is a Menopause Miracle

I have been eating and drinking pomegranate fruit daily for the past two years, and have not found anything else that compares to it...

5 Reasons You Need CBD Oil in the New Year

By now, you’ve probably noticed CBD infused energy drinks in the cooler at the grocery store or walked down an entire aisle dedicated to...

What is Guggul and Why You Need to Eat It

Guggul is an ancient remedy that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to remedy issues such as arthritis, thyroid imbalance,...