Tag: health

Suffering From Heartburn? Try Some Orange Peel Extract

Heartburn is one of those nasty afflictions that seems to hit everyone from time to time - and for those with gastroesophageal reflux disease...

Yes, Stress Can Make You Fat

Living in today's world means being under stress of some sort on an almost-daily basis. Stress manifests itself in the body in a number...

13 Ways Inflammation Can Destroy Your Health

One of the biggest hazards to your health out there is inflammation. Inflammation is a key player in the development of many illnesses, including...

1 Weird Eye Trick to Improve Your Memory

The physical world we live in is filled with sights that distract us every chance they get. Images on the television, flashing advertisements on...

As Bees Die, Malnutrition Concerns Rise

It's time to talk for a moment about bees, and about neonicotinoids. All over the world, bees are dying in mass numbers - nearly...

It Isn’t Just the Elderly Who Are at Risk for Alzheimer’s

Not to be mistaken with middle-age forgetfulness, early-onset Alzheimer's is the occurrence of the disease in individuals under the age of 65. In fact,...

Is the Birth Control Pill Causing Cancer?

There has always been some debate over the safety of birth control pills, and now thanks to a recent study, they have been linked...

Resolutions You Can Make NOW

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN4r8Rch_gE Why wait for another year to roll around to make changes for your health? Here are five resolutions that you can make now to...

Are Your Meds Increasing Your Dementia Risk?

Many older individuals are prescribed a cocktail of medications, in order to manage a variety of health conditions. It is known that these drugs...

5 Reasons to Buy Organic Underwear

Let’s start off by saying, you skin is the largest organ on your body. If that is the case - and it is -...