Tag: cold
The Real Reason You Have a Runny Nose (It’s Not a...
In fact, there are other surprising things that could be irritating your immune system and causing mucous production. Here are some ideas to help...
How to Tackle a Sinus Infection Naturally
With cold and flu season in full swing, it's also the season for sinus infections. Stuffed up sinuses can make your whole day agonizing;...
Truth or Myth: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever
Should you feed a cold and starve a fever, starve a cold and feed a fever, or neither one? Most health experts say starving...
How Sick are You? When You Should Stay Home from Work...
It happens every year. The seasons change, the kids go back to school and cold and flu season hits full force. Even if you...
Exercise, Cold and Flu: How to Know When to Workout
Avid exercisers hate to miss that wonderful “runner’s high” as well as that boost of energy and overall healthy feeling that comes with working...
Homemade Organic Chicken Broth Battles Against the Cold and Flu
When the temperature drops and the windows get frosty, there is nothing more soothing than a hot bowl of homemade chicken broth to warm...
1 Weird Cloth Kills 99% of Germs
With the flu rates higher than normal this season, it’s time to start taking precautionary measures to help prevent the flu virus from spreading...
Winter Allergy Time: Boost Your Folate Intake
Q: Leaves are gone, there are no flowers, but my allergies just keep going. What is it that gets me sneezing and congested during...
Probiotics Cut Cold Symptoms Two Days Short
When Eli Wallach, Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef mixed it up in the spaghetti Western "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," they...
Should I Exercise When I Am Sick?
When our body seems to betray us and we get sick, what do we do about exercise? A common concern – and something that tends to happen more as winter approaches.