Tag: calcium

Top 3 Blood Pressure Reducing Minerals

High blood pressure is often referred to as a “silent killer.” Unlike many other medical conditions, there are no warning signs or symptoms that...

Woke Up Tired Again? Take These Vitamins If You Can’t Sleep

When your spouse, neighbor, or colleague greets you with a cheery “Good Morning!”, do you find yourself questioning whether it really is a ‘good’...

Get Harmful Gut Bacteria in Control With This Ancient Beverage

Kefir is an ancient beverage made by fermenting milk with kefir grains, which produces a host of beneficial bacteria. It is thought to have...

Why All Your Friends are Drinking Celery Juice (should you?)

It seems to be all the rage these days at your favorite smoothie and juice haunts, but is celery in a glass really the...

4 Natural Ways To Recalcify And Re-Enamel Teeth

I still remember the excitement of losing my first couple of teeth (and waking up to a Canadian two dollar bill). Yes, I'm dating...

Lying Awake Every Night? 6 Ways To Become A Heavy Sleeper

Ever wake up feeling exhausted? Maybe you got plenty of hours in bed, but you hardly feel like you’ve slept at all. Getting a...

4 Ingredients That Will Flush Your Kidneys

The health world is usually focused on the heart, lungs and skin the most, but kidney health is equally as important. Your kidneys are...

Are Your Vitamins Robbing You Of Great Health? Here’s What You...

The average American diet often lacks in several essential nutrients. So, it’s no wonder that we look to vitamins to meet our nutritional needs....

This #1 Aphrodisiac In The World Also Balances Your Thyroid

It may be part of the broccoli family and even look like a humble root vegetable, but don't let this radish-like tuberous root fool...

7 Dairy-Free Foods Rich In Calcium

The typical adult needs around 1,000 milligrams per day of calcium to meet health recommendations. But when this amounts to three daily glasses of...