Tag: water

Mix Baking Soda With This For An Effective Chronic Bad Breath...

If you’re plagued with chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, you need a chronic bad breath remedy now. So, stop dousing your oral...

16 Illnesses Water Can Prevent and Heal

Water is by far the most important resource in the world, yet it garners the respect of so few. How often do you find...

8 Reasons to Blast Your Body with Cold Water Daily

Do you crave a warm shower each day to help you relax? The truth is, most of us think the health benefits of showering...

5 Lemon Fixes that Can Protect and Heal Your Body (we...

They are pretty, they are fragrant and they are oh so powerful. Although you may be used to lemons as a garnish to brighten...

Stop Wasting Water, Soap and Energy — The Only 3 Body...

All those long hot showers you’ve been taking are doing your body more harm than good. Not to mention all that wasted water, soap,...

Why I Have So Many Dried Boogers and How to Fix...

There are few things more embarrassing than getting caught picking your nose…but sometimes, those pesky boogers make this nasty habit hard to resist. With...

9 Reasons You Should Eat a Cup of Celery Every Day

While you may think of celery as the boring part of a veggies-and-dip platter, this humble vegetable has a lot more to offer than...

11 Foods That Improve Eye Health

Believe it or not, age doesn’t have to mean bifocals and eye disease. In fact, a well-balanced diet can protect your entire body, including...

11 Delicious Things to Add to Water

We all know how important water is, but let’s face it, plain H2O can get seriously boring. Try spicing up your next glass of...

Why I Stopped Flushing My Toilet (And So Should You)

We have a saying in my home, “If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow.” Water shortages where I live...