Tag: personality

What the Color of Your Eyes Says About Your Personality

Though it sounds cliche to say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Recent research suggests that this may be even more...

What Science Says About People Who Are Always Late (you might...

“I’m on my way” you text your friend as you put on the finishing touches of makeup in your bathroom mirror. “The first 15...

What Your Taste in Music Says about Your Brain

While you may have thought your music tastes were a symbol of your “coolness,” it turns out that it is actually a reflection of...

Does Your Birth Order Really Determine Your Personality Type?

Over the years, there has been a lot of research into understanding the development of personality types among siblings and how birth order might...

Are You A Charlie Brown or a Snoopy?

Dr. James Kaufman describes his “Charlie Brown Theory of Personality” in Psychology Today, referring to the popular Peanuts characters representing various personalities such as...

Does your personality determine your health risk?

Recent research has found that specific personality traits like whether or not you are neurotic, impulsive or easygoing, are now being linked to certain...