Tag: exercise

Not Getting Quality Sleep? You Could Be Sleeping Too Much

In Washington Irving's classic tale, Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years; when he awoke, he was confused and creaky. No wonder! Getting too...

Sedentary No More: Physical Activity Is Greatest Weapon Against Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, one of the best ways to prevent cancer is through regular physical activity. The National Institutes of Health...

Can Constant Migraines Fuel Memory Loss?

Q. I have frequent migraine headaches. Does this increase my risk of memory loss or dementia? A. This is a logical question, given that some...

6 Easy Tips to Make 2013 the Year of a Healthier...

Have you been feeling like your eating habits could use a tune-up, but don't know where to begin? Here are six steps you can...

4 Easy Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Belly fat is the most dangerous type of fat we can accumulate. In a study from the San Diego State University Biomechanics Lab, researchers...

Are You Among the 25 Percent?

In a recent article in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, it was revealed that less than 25 percent of Americans actively exercise the recommended 30 minutes or more daily...

Why 10,000 Steps a Day Is Important for Everyone

Ever since Jack LaLanne first broadcast his fitness show (while swimming back and forth across San Francisco Bay) and Jane Fonda videos urged us...

4 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

The holidays can be a time when it is tempting to give some of the most decadent and unhealthy gifts possible. However, if you...

What Would You Do for 5 More Years of Life?

In a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers found that even a moderate amount of physical activity can add years...

Invest In Yourself: Stop Making Excuses Today!

"Want to know if you're committed to something? Take a look at how much money you're willing to spend on it." -Larry Winget, NY...