Tag: cosmetics

5 Beauty Fixes Using Raw Honey

Raw honey is one of nature’s great nurturers. And considering the wide array of health benefits it provides, most people only view honey from...

Turkey Neck Fixes That Really Work

Turkey neck is caused by a combination of loose skin, untoned muscles, and fat. Though it can be hard to keep the skin tight...

Household Chemicals Double Risk of Diabetes in Women

According to the CDC, nearly 26 million, or 11% of all Americans over 20 years old are affected by diabetes. This endocrine disease, characterized...

Can You Really Get Herpes From Trying On Lipstick?

A Los Angeles woman is suing a cosmetics store for failing to warn customers that trying on lipstick could give you herpes. Which begs...

Put This On Your Skin Every Day For Fewer Wrinkles

It’s fair to say that all of us want younger looking skin. As we age, the supple skin of our youth begins to lose...

4 Ways To Use Oranges In Your Beauty Routine

Summer is finally upon us, a time in which fresh, vibrant citrus fruits are brought to the forefront of our diet. As the matriarch...

29 Words In Your Food And Personal Care Products You Can’t...

When you eat a fresh, organic apple, there's one ingredient: an apple. Whole foods tend to deliver all the goodness your body needs without...

DIY Beauty Pack: Blush, Bronzer, Lipstick and Eyeshadow

Making your own beauty products sounds incredibly daunting, doesn't it? As it turns out, however, like most natural substitutions, they are easier to make...

12 Easy and Natural Ways to Reduce Wrinkles and Fight Aging

Do you spend a lot of time pondering over which cosmetics are best for you? Do you often feel the more money you spend...

Beware of Toxic Eyelash Dyes

Thinking about drawing some attention to your eyes but hate the thought of dealing with messy mascaras that clump and run? You may have...