Tag: coffee grounds

19 Amazing Things To Do With Coffee Besides Drinking It

Coffee has been around for more than one thousand years. If you are like millions (if not billions) of people on the planet, then...

Why You Should Spread Coffee Grounds on Your Head (hint: it...

Coffee sometimes gets a bad rap; however, organic coffee is loaded with helpful antioxidants, and the caffeine it contains is quite useful as well....

Try This Coffee Ground And Turmeric Scrub For Better Skin

There are certain combinations that for some reason just click. Natural ingredients that work well on their own, but when combined create something only...

8 Easy Ways To Make Your Coffee Habit More Eco-Friendly

Our morning coffee habit is something that many of us don’t think twice about — but maybe we should. Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting...

6 Eco-friendly Ways to Upcycle Coffee Grounds

Many of us rely on our morning cup of coffee to get the day started. These valuable grounds however, often get thrown in the...