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Are Organized People Healthier?

There’s one in every office. That lone individual whose desk resembles a war zone with stacks of papers piled high, an array of crooked...

Mixing up Your Workouts: Why it Matters

Most people like to do what they’re good at. And who wouldn’t? While it is true that performing the same movements leads to efficiency...

Is Your Second Brain Addicted to this Substance?

So many people are still under the mistaken impression that it is fatty foods that have caused the ever-growing obesity epidemic, but the real...

Mom’s Need to Relax: Thinking About Family Too Much Causes Stress

Mom's, whether they work outside of the home or in the home, are the quarterback of most families and because of this, tend to...

Childhood Obesity Rates Skyrocket: Make Health a Family Affair

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity in the United States has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in...

Your Children Are Watching: Are You Making Healthy Decisions?

What did your parents do in their spare time, what do you do in your spare time? Whatever you do is setting an example...

9 Signs of Burnout and What you Can Do Now

Shh.. don't say the"S" word or you might get stressed about it. The human body is designed to handle the type of stress where...

5 Easy Ways to Keep the Whole Family Fit

Setting up your kids for a lifetime of fitness and health is one of the best gifts that you can give them. If you...

James Gandolfini a Recent Victim of America’s #1 Killer

Last Wednesday, James Gandolfini, dynamic star of the Emmy-winning series, "The Sopranos", tragically died of a heart attack while he was vacationing in Rome....

Too Much Health Advice? Gradual Changes Alleviate Frustration

The first step to making a change in your health is to decide to do it. Positive and committed thoughts are truly empowering. Negative...