Tag: weight loss

What Your Waist Size Says About Your Brain

In the health community, a lot of importance is placed upon waist size. It is proven that a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio indicates obesity and is...

10 Often Overlooked Things That Could Be Keeping You Fat

Ask almost anyone what it takes to lose a few pounds, and they’ll inevitably tell you, “Just exercise and eat right!” Then they’ll probably...

Smell These 16 Things To Lose Weight

Eat right and exercise — that’s the conventional weight loss wisdom. Unfortunately, this limited view discounts the power of many other mechanisms which we...

19 Drinks As Good As Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

What if you could drink your way thinner? The beverages you drink each day have a direct influence on your body weight and general...

New Study: This Ancient Spice Can Help You Lose Weight

Research has already shown that black pepper can help improve digestion, reduce your risk of cancer, and boost your brain power, but a new...

7 Ways To Tighten Flabby Skin After Weight Loss

Skin is incredibly elastic. It stretches as we stretch and grows as we grow. So, it only makes sense that after weight loss, especially...

Drink This Before Bed To Lose Weight And Boost Your Metabolism

When it comes to a bedtime routine, a warm glass of milk or a soothing cup a tea may be just the ticket before...

Bust Stubborn Belly Fat with 10 Delicious Teas

One of the most popular New Year's resolutions out there is to lose weight - and many people specifically wish to shed those extra...

Bee Pollen: A Survival Food With Extraordinary Health Benefits

Bee pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom, collected by honey bees and combined with the insects' digestive enzymes. It's a mixture...

Stop! Don’t Eat This Superfood Without Doing This First

Kale is truly the king of the green superfoods. It is loaded with therapeutic properties which makes its medicinal value huge. However, there is...