Tag: spices

99 Reasons Why Turmeric Is the Best Spice Ever

Turmeric is a herbaceous herb (also known as Curcuma longa) that is a member of the ginger family, which has been used throughout India and...

Top 5 Fat-Busting Spices

Did you know that some of the ingredients in your pantry might be the boost you’re looking for toward your weight loss goals? While...

Reduce Arthritis Pain and 20 Other Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known for its spicy, exotic taste and alluring aroma. Although it is used to enhance the flavor of foods and the scent...

Super Spices to Help Fight Fat, Relieve Pain, Reduce Premature Aging,...

It's time to spice up your life! The verdict is in: Spices are not only for making food taste good, they’re also incredibly healthy,...

Foods that Cause Inflammation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTmcY8XA0x8 One of the biggest hazards to your health out there is inflammation. Inflammation is a key player in the development of many illnesses, including...

Give Your Immune System a Natural Boost with These 6 Herbs...

With cold and flu season approaching, we all need to give some extra attention to our immune system, which battles behind the scenes to...

8 Tips for Storing Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices can make a world of difference to help you achieve the combination of tasty and healthy cooking. Many rival and even...

Shichimi Togarashi: The Japanese Spice Blend that Packs a Nutritional Punch

If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, shichimi togarashi is definitely worth adding to your spice cabinet. Translating to 'seven flavor chile pepper,'...

Smash Your Cravings and Soothe Aching Joints with Mace Spice

One noteworthy spice that is much lesser-known than everyday parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme is mace. However, due to its potent nutritional benefits, it...

Why Seasoning Mixes are Dangerous – How to Make Your Own...

While many of us rely on pre-packaged seasoning mixes to give flavor to our dishes, this is one habit that is very important to...