Tag: gut

It’s Alive! Natural Probiotics in Fermented Foods

Maintaining healthy gut flora is essential for optimal immune system and brain function. The insult of eating too many denatured foods has taken its...

4 Sources of Probiotics to Boost Your Immune System

In this cold and flu season you might want to turn to some little bugs for some additional immune help. Probiotics are a phenomenal...

Study Shows Antibiotics Ineffective for Most Coughs

With the cough and flu season upon us, the results from a recent research study published in the December 19 issue of the British...

Stuffed? Bloated? Crampy? Eat the Right Fiber and Probiotics

For approximately 15 percent of the population, irritable bowel syndrome is a fact of life. Symptoms of IBS often include chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramping...

Mind-Body Therapies Helping Irritable Bowel Symptoms

In a recent study from the University of California, Los Angeles, doctors discovered that educating patients with mind-body medicine approaches to reduce stress improves...

Probiotics Boost Antioxidant Effectiveness

In a study recently published in Nature Communications, researchers have discovered that healthy gut microbes may be linked to limited risk for heart problems....

Is Your Belly Fat Brittling Your Bones?

In a study out of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, researchers found that men with high amounts of belly fat are at...

Delicious Ways to Eat More Probiotics

Probiotics have become one of the latest health buzz words in recent years. However, evidence is mounting about the key role probiotics and gut...

Healthy Gut Bacteria Fights Belly Fat

Accumulating research indicates microbiota in lean individuals is different from that of obese people; lean people tend to have a higher proportion of two...

Understanding the Link Between Irritable Bowel, Iron & Probiotics [Video]

According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada Irritable Bowel Disorder (IBD) is a debilitating illness that many people are now diagnosed with...