Tag: kids

Kraft Singles Named “Health Food” for Kids… Has Our Nation Gone...

In a move that indicates everything that is wrong with the American diet and our backwards mindset regarding nutrition, The Academy of Nutrition and...

Does Your Teenager Suffer from Digital Dementia?

There is a new type of memory problem on the rise, and it's striking our youth. This new memory dysfunction is being called digital...

STOP Rewarding Kids with Junk Food

Children today are bombarded with so many unhealthy food choices. In many situations they are offered sugar or other junk food as a reward,...

Controversy Rises Over Changes in School Lunches

For many people, the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 seemed like a positive step in the right direction. However, though...

Study: Having Lunch After Recess May Help Kids Eat Their Fruits...

Anyone who has, or spends a lot of time around, children knows that it can be very difficult at times to get them to...

How to Survive One of ‘Those Days’ With the Kids

We know you love your kids, and most days, everything runs pretty smoothly. However, even the most seamless routine is bound to be met...

How to Teach Mindfulness to Kids

Mindfulness isn’t only good for us; it’s also good for our kids. Practicing mindfulness can help children to pay attention and focus better in...

Obese Children Have A Heightened Brain Sensitivity To Sugar

Most children enjoy sweet foods and display a preference for them even at an early age. However, a recent study shows that the brains...

Big Soda Ramps Up Marketing to Black and Latino Kids

While the beverage industry has cut back on the marketing of unhealthy drinks to children on television and websites overall, a study has found...

Parents…How to Reconnect with Your Partner after Kids

As all parents know, having children totally changes your relationship with your spouse. The flexibility and freedom you had before is gone, and all...