Your Boob Helps Them Kick Butt

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Your Boob Helps Them Kick Butt
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It comes as no surprise that research into the benefits of breast feeding finds that the healthiest babies are those who feed on mother’s milk. In addition to immediate benefits, research is continually showing the countless health benefits of breast milk throughout the child’s life.

Your Boob Helps Them Kick Butt
Healthy Guts Start Early

Researchers have known that a baby’s immune system begins to develop early and that breast feeding allows immunities held by the mother to be passed on to their babies. However, recent research into the gut health of infants has revealed that developing healthy intestinal bacteria starts with being exposed to mother’s milk.

In humans, the intestinal system is populated with both healthy and unhealthy bacteria. In infants, healthy bacteria are often passed from mother to child through breast milk. Infants fed exclusively on breast milk were compared to babies fed formula. Researchers discovered that the breast-fed children had a wider variety of healthy bacteria in their gastric system. This variety of intestinal flora allows children to develop a healthy immune system, fighting off more potential infections and viruses than children who do not receive the benefit of breast milk.

Although the study findings do not suggest that formula fed children are doomed to immune system problems by any means, researchers are surprised by the depth to which breast milk affects the development of immune systems in children. In addition to increased variety in intestinal bacteria, researchers also discovered that breast fed children are also exposed to antibodies present in the mother and antibiotic chemicals present in her system. As a result, it appears that the immune systems in children adapt these antibodies to provide another layer of immunity in children to fight off potential infections.

If at all possible, mothers should attempt to breast feed their children to provide them with the best start in life possible. Breast milk provides all the nutrients and support that children need to thrive when a mother, herself, is eating a healthy and balanced diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and lean protein. In addition to good nutritional benefits, children benefit from mother’s milk by developing strong immune systems, including healthy gut bacteria that will benefit them later in life.

– The Alternative Daily

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