What Your Fingernail Lines Say About Your Health

Vertical Fingernail Lines

Vertical lines are fairly common and usually nothing to worry about, according to Mayo Clinic. They tend to become more pronounced with age. You can think of vertical lines as wrinkles on your nails. They have to do with the body’s increasing inability to retain moisture as you get older. “There are many reasons for ridged nails but the most common is aging,” said Dr. Phoebe Rich to Huffington Post. “As we age, the nail matrix becomes atrophied in areas resulting in longitudinal ridging of nails.”

If the lines are evenly spaced, chances are they are harmless. However, on occasion, they can signify a vitamin deficiency or chronic disease, like rheumatoid arthritis. When you look at your nails, be sure to note how many lines there are. If there’s one streak, perhaps it’s just the result of a mild injury or biting your nails too hard. However, if there’s one very pronounced line and you don’t recall hitting your nail on anything, it could be a sign that a tumor is growing at the root of the nail, says Dr. Jessica Krant. Yikes! If this is the case, go see your doctor.

One more thing to remember: if the ridges appear quickly and they are growing over a short period of time, this could be a sign of lichen planus. It’s a rare skin condition that causes a rash, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

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