11 Unique and Heartfelt Christmas Gifts That Really Say “I Love You”

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With Christmas just around the corner, you’re more than likely trying to cross people off your “still need to buy for” gift list. The holiday season is all about giving, spending time with loved ones and appreciating those special people in your life.

Sure, no one is going to frown when they receive an iPod or a new outfit, but these types of gifts are generic. Although they will most certainly be appreciated, there are some gifts that show people you really care. Giving unique and thoughtful gifts will please any special person on your gift list, and best of all, they don’t need to cost a fortune to make a lasting impression.

Whether you’re in the market for a thoughtful gift to give to your mom or a heartfelt present for your partner, the following unique gifts truly say “I love you.” 

A coupon book

If you’re thinking, that’s a little childish, it doesn’t need to be. You can create a beautifully designed coupon book for practically nothing. This is the gift that keeps on giving. A coupon book can be created for anyone on your list. This is your opportunity to provide coupons that are personalized and meaningful. 

If you’re creating a book for your grandma, why not offer up a few dinners of her choice? You will come cook for her, and in turn, you’ll get to spend more time together. If it’s for your girlfriend, massage coupons never hurt. Put some thought into the book you create — focusing on activities or favors that the recipient will really appreciate. 

A scrapbook

There’s a reason why we like to flip through old photographs — they remind us of memories past. When creating a scrapbook, you can showcase all sorts of memories in one beautifully designed book. Utilizing old photos is a given; however, you’re not limited to pictures.

If you have movie tickets from your first date or an itinerary from the trip you took to Europe with your mom, these are the types of items to include. Anything meaningful that depicts a memory of the special bond you share with the recipient is great. Dollar stores generally have a whole scrapbook section where you can source all kinds of design elements, paper and art supplies. 

A book 

For those who enjoy reading, you know that a book can be the best gift of all. Books have the ability to teach or transport us to another realm. Choose a book that means something to you and will now mean something to the recipient. Before you wrap the book up, write a heartfelt message inside — either on the front flap or a blank page.

A personalized playlist

Our brains are hard-wired to connect music with our long-term memory, which is why we often experience a strong emotional connection when hearing a memorable song. Keeping this in mind, you can make a playlist that draws on memories the two of you have shared. You can also create a playlist that exposes the recipient to new music that you think they’d appreciate. 

A weekend away 

Nothing is more precious than the time you spend with those you love. Plan a weekend away, then write a little message and wrap it up in a box. When they open the box, they’ll discover that they not only get a mini holiday, but they get to spend it with you. They are plenty of websites that offer discounted getaways or ideas for weekend escapes. 

Homemade treats 

For those who love to cook, bake and create, build a gift basket full of healthy, homemade goodies. Whether you stuff a basket with chutneys and jams, spice rubs or a homemade blend of loose tea, this can be a beautiful gift that says a lot. The gifts that take the most time are generally the ones that truly say “I love you.”

Restored photographs

There are some incredible photographs from the past, and perhaps some have been passed down within your family. Based on modern technology, you can have old photographs blown up and restored. I was once given three large photographs of my great grandfather, my great-great grandfather, as well as my great-great-great grandfather. 

They had been given to my grandma, and she understood the nature of a loving gift — it was an incredible present and I will always cherish them. If you have an old photograph of your grandparents, why not get them printed and framed for your mom or dad? This is a gift that promotes love and family pride. 

Pamper basket

Everyone loves to be pampered, so why not encourage a loved one to take some time for themselves? You can either make these gifts yourself, or purchase some high-quality, all-natural beauty and skin-care products. Bath salts, for example, are an easy DIY gift that allows you to utilize the beneficial properties of essential oils. A sugar or salt scrub is always a nice addition for those who like to take baths, as well as some organic, handmade soap.

Of course, no pamper basket is complete without a candle. Once again, you can easily make your own, incorporating essential oils that target a specific need. Maybe your mom has trouble sleeping? When making your candle, add essential oils such as lavender or ylang-ylang. Make a little note explaining the benefits of the candle, and if you want, you can even include a gift card for a spa day or massage.


11UniqueHeartfeltChristmasGiftsThatReallySayILoveYouWe all have people in our lives who love a certain sports team or band — why not plan ahead to get them tickets to a game or show? Once again, you can wrap up a little clue. When they open their gift, they’ll be surprised by a clue that leads them to their tickets. You can also plan a dinner for the two of you before you attend the event.

“Thanks for being you” gift

If there is someone in your life who is constantly there for you, it’s time to show some gratitude. Make a card that lists everything you’re thankful for in terms of the recipient. Being appreciated is a wonderful gift, and after they tear up from your beautiful card, they can open their gift. 

In a basket, include some things that they love. It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant — remember, it’s the thought that counts. What’s their favorite chocolate? Do they have a favorite album? Basically, create a gift basket that includes personalized items that you know they’ll love. 

Romantic dinner for two 

For your partner, why not give them a bottle of wine with a recipe card attached? This will symbolize a beautiful meal that you will make for both of you. Put some thought into your meal and have fun with it. Choose ingredients that you know they love, but perhaps do not get to eat often. Also include a little box of healthy homemade treats for the dessert component of their gift.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember what the holiday season is all about. Heartfelt gifts are priceless — they show those in your life that you love and care about them. 

Whatever gift you give, make sure you have given it some thought. Don’t be shy about getting crafty: DIY gifts are so meaningful without costing you much at all.

-The Alternative Daily


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