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Sugar is present in the American diet in alarming ways. The American lifestyle of eating high amounts of processed foods can be deadly and many of us are not even aware of how much sugar we are consuming.
We Crave Sweets
In a recent 60 Minutes interview, Dr. Robert Lustig, an endocrinologist, explained that genetically, humans are designed to enjoy and want sweet foods. In nature, poisonous foods are not sweet. When we eat sweet foods, our bodies recognize them as “safe” and we want to consume more of these “safe” foods. However, high fructose corn syrup, which is used as a sweetener in most processed foods, is very dangerous to humans.
Dr. Lustig went on to explain that high fructose corn syrup is overloaded with fructose and converts it to fat. This becomes LDL cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease and high blood pressure. Although many people have reduced the amount of fat in their diet, continuing to eat processed foods can lead to increased risk for heart problems.
Processed food consumption is also linked to cancer risk. Excess glucose from a processed food diet actually feeds and grows tumors. The tumors actually “eat up” all of the glucose your muscles and tissues need, leading to very dangerous tumors.
Sugar also has an amazing effect on brain function. Similar to the neurological reactions of individuals consuming cocaine or alcohol, eating sweets stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain. Just like addicts, many people find they eat more and more sugar attempting to experience the pleasure and enjoyment they had from eating smaller amounts. However, similar to addicts, the pleasure centers in the brain develop tolerance to the presence of sugar and the feelings of euphoria, enjoyment and pleasure become blunted. As a result, sugar addiction develops.
You can watch the full interview view below or click here if it does not load:
Hidden Sugar Culprits
You may lower or eliminate your consumption of table sugar or sweets and think you are being successful in taking sugar out of your diet. However, if you eat processed foods, you may be surprised to find out just where sugar is lurking.
High fructose corn syrup is contained in almost every form of processed foods. For example, ketchup, barbeque sauce and bottled spaghetti sauce all have high fructose corn syrup. Other foods that contain this ingredient include flavored yogurts, snack bars, low-fat salad dressing, breakfast cereals and whole grain breads.
When you are buying food at the store, it is important to read the label. If the ingredient list includes anything that ends in “ose” it probably has hidden sugar. Examples include fructose, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, glucose, and corn syrup. If a form of sugar is in the first three ingredients, the food you are thinking about buying has a high dose of sugar in it.
There are lots of ways to avoid eating hidden sugars. If you like flavored yogurt, buy plain yogurt and add a handful of chopped organic fruit. You can make your own smoothies with plain yogurt, ice and whole fruit. You can also make delicious low-fat salad dressings with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, fresh garlic, salt and pepper.
By paying attention to what you are eating, reading labels and making healthy food choices, it is possible to avoid the toxic effects of sugar. Although a little sweetener on occasion is not harmful, eating a steady diet of processed foods can literally kill you.
Are there foods that you have been surprised to find sugar in? Let us know in the comments!
– The Alternative Daily
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