Tag: workout

Quick and Effective Muscle-Building Tips for Longevity

Strength training isn’t just for athletes - it’s key to a longer, healthier life. Studies show a direct link between muscle mass and longevity,...

5 Ways to Improve Your Lung Function

We need to breathe to live - it's a simple and obvious fact of our existence. It stands to reason that since breathing is...

These Surprising “Good” Things are Wrecking Your Skin

Everyone wants beautiful skin. We are bombarded with marketing messages telling us what we need to do to have that youthful glow: scrub, wash,...

Burn Double the Fat By Exercising This Way

To eat or not to eat before exercising in the morning? This question has been circulating for years and years. One group says yes,...

Why Putting Coconut Oil and Ice on Your Crotch is a...

Most people have experienced it at some point or another. That annoying and painful burning of chafed skin. The groin (AKA crotch) is the area...

This 5 Minute “No Exercise” Workout Can Slash Heart Attack Risk...

When you hear the word "workout", you probably conjure up images of strapping on your running shoes or grabbing your hand weights and performing...

7 Genius Millennial Health Hacks

Millennials are accredited for many modern, innovative concepts and inventions. However, just like any other age group, we suffer from our own set of...

5 Things That Happen When You Take A Shot Of ACV...

If you’re in the gym and feeling exhausted, it may not simply boil down to a strenuous workout. Muscle pain and fatigue can happen...

Protect Your Heart + 9 More Reasons To Swim Every Day

When I was a kid, my parents moved around a lot for work. However, whenever we moved, my parents always made sure to go...

This Is Why You Eat A Banana In The Middle Of...

So, you’ve started on a new exercise plan… most excellent! You’re doing a wonderful thing for your body and mind, as I’m sure you...