Tag: waste

Pros And Cons Of Recycling

Recycling is a word loaded with meaning, and one that evokes sometimes drastically diverse opinions and responses from different people. While the actual definition...

Icelandic Student Creates Biodegradable Water Bottle From Algae

Plastic water bottles are everywhere. These containers may be convenient, but they're piling up in landfills. The organization Ban The Bottle estimates that just...

French Grocery Store Chain Promotes Bulk Buying and Prevents Tons of...

These days, it seems like every time we go to the grocery store, we come home with more plastic packaging than actual food! Even...

Want to Make a Difference? Start Saving Those Plastic Bottles!

The trend of drinking bottled water over tap water has led to billions of plastic bottles cluttering up US landfills. The ever-increasing piles of...

Twenty Percent of Food Produced in the U.S. Never Makes It...

One hundred and sixty-five billion. What do you think this figure represents? As crazy as it sounds, this figure represents the total amount of...

3 Reasons to Stop Using Paper Towels (How To Do It)

Because of their convenience, paper towels are used in many ways, like cleaning spills, serving snacks, and hand drying. But, there is a downside...

Recent College Graduate Develops Food Label Which Could Greatly Reduce Waste

The system currently in place for determining whether meat and dairy products are fresh is the sell-by-date. While this date can serve as a...

Sweden Pioneers Waste Management Efforts

When it comes to managing waste, Sweden is at the forefront of the world. While this nation produces a comparable amount of waste to...

Harvard Students Want Bottled Water Gone

As part of their fall 2013 referendum, students at Harvard University voted against the sale and distribution of plastic water bottles on campus. The...

What Happens To Your Poop When You Flush? The Poop Cycle

The end-result of the so-called “poop cycle” may not be what you think. Once you flush you might assume that it is the last...