Tag: virus
The Zika Virus Outbreak — Is This Brain-Shrinking Virus Spreading to...
Nobody likes mosquitoes — their bites are itchy and after the West Nile virus scare, there's a certain level of danger associated with these...
5 Strange Things to Gargle with When You Have a Sore...
We all know the feeling: that stabbing pain when you swallow is a harbinger of illness. It happens all too often during cold and...
The Easiest Way to Boost Your Immune System This Flu Season
Do you know what the number one way to boost your immune system is? Is it taking vitamins? Eating plenty of vegetables? Getting outside...
Is Ebola a Possible Sexually Transmitted Disease?
Scientists are now looking at the possibility that Ebola might be a sexually transmittable disease. Some cases have surfaced that seem like they originated...
What Is the Mysterious Deadly Ailment in Nigeria?
A strange, as yet unidentified, illness has made its way into Nigeria and has already claimed the lives of over 18 victims. It began...
Newly-Discovered Virus May Lead to Stupidity
Wait, what? Yes, that's right: researchers from Johns Hopkins Medical School and the University of Nebraska have recently discovered a virus living inside the...
Researchers Find that Natural Gut Viruses Important for Our Health
When we think of viruses and bacteria, we generally think of nasty, invading pathogens that we want nowhere near our bodies. However, a large...
Breaking News: Ebola Claims Life of Surgeon in Nebraska
Sad news today from Omaha, Nebraska, where officials have just reported that 44-year old Dr. Martin Salia died of Ebola early this morning.
Agricultural Overuse of Antibiotics Wiping Out 10% of Pig Population
Since first being detected on an Ohio farm a little over a year ago, a killer virus known as PEDv (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea) has...
How Sick are You? When You Should Stay Home from Work...
It happens every year. The seasons change, the kids go back to school and cold and flu season hits full force. Even if you...