Tag: toxic

Is Your Coffee Toxic or Healthy?

We sure love coffee! Over 50 percent of North Americans consume coffee every day. Coffee has even been named as the poorly-nourished American population's...

Toxic Ingredients Hiding in Your ‘Healthy’ Milk Alternative

Milk is a contentious subject. Some people swear by its tooth-strengthening and bone-building abilities, while others have gut-wrenching pain whenever they consume it. A few...

Caramel Color a “Possible Human Carcinogen” – What are You Drinking?

Yes, we know you probably already know that soda is evil… but do you know just how evil? If you are drinking dark sodas...

The Great Bra Debate Continues: Should You Wear One?

Brassieres: to wear or not to wear? That is one hotly debated question. Some women don't feel comfortable unless they're wearing one, while others...

5 Reasons to Stop Swimming in Chlorinated Pools

Who would have thought that a classic summer fun activity such as swimming could cause cancer? Most pools you swim in contain chlorine, and...

15 Chemicals in Common Household Items that Disrupt Hormones and May...

Chemicals called ‘endocrine disruptors,’ found in everything from soap to plastics, have already been linked to rising cancer levels and fertility problems. Now, new...

10 Gross Things Hiding in Your Toothpaste

What if we told you that the substance you use to clean your teeth is introducing harmful substances into your body? Most of us...

Is Your Marijuana Toxic: Here’s How You Can Tell

Chris Van Hook is an organic farm inspector in California. Back in 2004, he wanted to determine if a certain farm was producing organic...

Study: Artificial Sweeteners Mess With Gut Bacteria and May Increase Risk...

We have written a great deal about the dangers of artificial sweeteners. The fact that so much of our population sees these products as...

Study: Sunblock’s Previously Unknown Toxic Consequences

It is a fact that we have to be cautious when exposing our skin to the sun's rays, however, many of us tend to...