Tag: toothpaste
Mint Toothpaste + 9 Other Strange Things That Cause Insomnia
If you’ve ever tossed and turned all night, or it’s taken you hours to fall asleep finally, you know how torturous insomnia can be....
Why I Never Travel Anywhere Without Dr. Bronner’s
If you’ve ever found yourself in a health food store or organic supermarket, you might have noticed a wall of bottles with tiny, almost...
I Gave Up Toothpaste A Year Ago. Here’s Why I’ll Never...
In a rare moment of spare time yesterday, I sat down to watch TV and blob out for a while. The channel was cycling...
Could Your Toothpaste Cause Cancer? (Do This Instead)
Just when you thought it was safe to brush your teeth, here comes a report telling you toothpaste could be cancerous! But, is there...
22 Creative Things To Do With Baking Soda
.,If there’s one thing everyone should have in their home, it’s a box of baking soda. It’s great for way more than just baking!...
6 Scary Reasons To Switch To Natural Toothpaste
Toothpaste is one of those products that seem like they should be pretty benign. It’s a very routine part of our everyday lives, as...
Ditch Conventional Toothpaste For This All-Natural Recipe
This is such a simple and inexpensive recipe for an all-natural toothpaste. I am always searching for recipes for everyday beauty and health treatments...
Stop Eating Fluoride – Make Your Own Toothpaste
Traditional toothpaste contains fluoride, which for many years was thought to be the best option to keep our teeth clean. However, through research, we...
13 Creative Uses for Toothpaste (Besides Brushing Your Teeth)
Most people purchase toothpaste without a second thought about the ingredients in it. Beyond the health claims on the outside of the box, most...
10 Gross Things Hiding in Your Toothpaste
What if we told you that the substance you use to clean your teeth is introducing harmful substances into your body? Most of us...