Tag: toilet
7 Ways to Save Water Now
We tend to wait until drought conditions before we start conserving water. The reality is, climate change is affecting our weather patterns now. Officials...
Alternative Plastic Toilet With Life-Changing Potential
At 23, Jasmine Burton decided to make a difference in how people live — and go to the bathroom. When Burton was a freshman...
The Latest in Gold Mining: Does Your Poop Contain Precious Gold?
Throughout history, the search for gold has driven mankind to some surprising extremes, but the latest possible source may be a big stretch for...
Your Mouth is Dirtier than a Toilet Seat: How to Clean...
Potty seats get a bad rap. No matter how clean they can be, people always think of them as a cesspool of germs. The...
Could a Toilet Water Project in Texas be the Answer to...
According to ThinkProgress.org, over 7 billion gallons of drinking water are wasted each day in America. While some areas of the country do not...