Tag: thinking

Mediterranean Diet Helps Your Cognitive Thinking

Can a diet actually help with your cognitive thinking? Is it possible that it can help with your memory and thought processes? Research has...

Do You Think Too Much? How to Dial It Down!

Human beings are gifted with the innate ability to think—to analyze, explore, and attempt to understand our inner worlds. While this ability makes us...

How to Change Your “Stinkin Thinkin”

Negative thought patterns can be just as destructive to your well-being as negative food choices. The way we experience and process the world in...

Study Finds that Men Choose Minor Electrical Shock Over Alone Time

We all need our alone time to unwind and reset our minds, right? However, for many of us, alone time usually means relaxing with...

Are Your Thoughts Hurting Your Health?

Your thoughts are quite powerful, with the ability to affect your health and well-being for better or worse. Just as the power of positive...