Tag: tea
These 5 Homegrown Teas Fight Coughs and Colds
Many of us reach for the cough syrup whenever we get seasonal ills and chills but ever since I learned about their potentially harmful...
Airplane Coffee and Tea Could Contain Poop and Other Bacteria
Those late night or early morning flights can be really hard to take, and many of us look forward to a warm cup of...
Scientists Say: Don’t EVER Drink Your Tea This Way
Historical documentation shows us that tea is a very ancient elixir, that was first enjoyed thousands of years ago. There is just something comforting...
Beware: Over the Counter Cold Medicine Can Cause Glaucoma and Sudden...
Imagine going to bed at night after taking some over-the-counter cold medicine to help you sleep, only to awaken with excruciating eye pain, followed...
This “Healthy” Bottled Drink Contains a Deadly Neurotoxin: Here’s What You...
Before I even knew all the damage that fluoride was capable of, it just felt wrong to me. I was one of those weird...
Could This Mysterious Blend Of Wild Herbs Fight Cancer?
Many cancer patients choose to try a gamut of holistic therapies and natural remedies alongside their conventional treatment. From juicing to essential oils to...
Moringa: Latest Health Superfood Or Just A Fad?
Moringa plants, originally grown in Southeast Asia, are one of those amazing plants where every bit of them is useful; the leaves, flowers, fruits...
7 Ancient Ayurvedic Health Care Rituals You Can Do Today
Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, but it can only do so much. And with chronic disease now more prevalent in the Western world...
3 Reasons To Stop Dying Grey Hairs (Plus 4 Natural Hair...
I found my first few grey hairs the other day. Naturally, my hair is very dark. However, for years, I dyed my hair blonde....
Top 10 Beverages To Drink When You’re Sick
Recently I suffered a stomach bug. Luckily it was one of those that go through the system pretty quickly, but while it hung around,...