Tag: sunburn

10 Ways To Use Coconut Milk In Your Beauty Routine

Sometimes I don’t know where my pantry ends and my beauty cabinet begins. Many of the ingredients play an important role in both cuisine...

White Vinegar Benefits And Side Effects

White vinegar is the most common type of vinegar in American households. Look in most kitchen cupboards and you’re sure to find a bottle....

21 Ways To Save Money With Baking Soda

When it comes to cleaning our kitchen sink, baking soda and vinegar are my go-to solution — works like a charm. Not only is...

8 Simple Natural Fixes To Remedy Sore Winter Eyes

Let’s face it, winter is hard on our bodies and especially hard on our skin. Cold temperatures and precipitation can also take a toll...

Can You Use Coconut Oil As A Sunscreen? Here’s What The...

The mystic wonders of coconut oil are vast and plenty. Here at The Alternative Daily, we love it for everything from its ability to...

Is Your Sunscreen Increasing Your Risk Of Skin Cancer? Here’s Your...

Think of summer, and pool parties, beach time and afternoons lounging in the sun come to mind. But these days, outdoor fun comes with...

10 Reasons To Eat Dragon Fruit

They’re red, spiky and look exactly like their name suggests. To most, this is about all dragon fruit is good for — a bit...

12 Home Remedies For Sunburn

Summer is finally here, and most of us are ecstatic about spending as much time outside in the coveted sunshine as possible, to soak...

Witch Hazel – A Home Remedy Worth Considering

Before western medicine, there was nature's pharmacy. Leaves, bark, flowers, stems and roots upon which the survival of mankind rested. For thousands of years,...

Too Much Sun? 6 Natural Ways to Soothe the Burn

The sun is necessary for life. Unfortunately, many people are under the impression that it needs to be avoided as much as possible. Either...