Tag: sugar

Is Your Chewing Gum Toxic?

Imagine this commonplace scenario: a young parent, seeking refreshment during a long day of air travel, enters an airport gift shop to buy a...

Does High Fructose Corny Syrup Make You Hungry For More?

In a recent study from Yale University, researchers examined brain responses in individuals consuming foods in which fructose was the sweetener. They discovered that...

Monk Fruit Is a Natural Sweetener, Nectresse Is Not

While processed, artificial sweeteners are not the best option for sweetening your coffees or teas, there are alternative, natural sweeteners. But buyer beware, many...

The Bone Crushing Truth of Soda

As Rock Hudson demonstrated in the 1952 movie classic "Has Anybody Seen My Gal?" being a real soda jerk takes skill and dedication. Today,...

Never-ending Weight Gain: Is Your Sugar Metabolism Out of Whack?

Insulin resistance is a state in which the body cannot use insulin effectively. Insulin is needed to help control the amount of sugar in...

100 Calorie Snack Packs Aren’t Healthy, Try These Alternatives

Snacks are as dialed into our daily meals as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yet, these between-meal repasts, which all too often are nutritionally inadequate,...

Is Fructose Shocking Your Brain?

In the ever-shifting lineup of dietary villains, sugar has taken a commanding lead. Even New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has fingered sugar as...

Childhood Obesity in Poor Neighborhoods Spinning Out of Control

We all know that obesity rates in the US are staggeringly high. And the sad part is, according to a recent study at Rice...

Is There Ever Any Good News About Soda? No!

As Americans we love our soft drinks. We feel like we would really lose out if we couldn’t experience ‘the real thing’ or ‘the...

Would You Eat 10 Teaspoons of Sugar Right Now?

Remember the movie “Super Size Me”? One message in this movie was if we think the key is to stop eating the burgers, think...