Tag: spiders
Eating Live Animals: Gross Cruelty Or Cultural Difference?
Footage continues to emerge of people dining on live seafood, insects and other animals. We recommend caution if you decide to watch these videos (below), where...
Sharks Now Reproducing Without Males — Are Humans Next?
A female shark from Australia has become the first of her species to switch from sexual to asexual reproduction. Leonie, a zebra shark, had...
How Many Insect Roommates Are Hiding in Your Home?
Let's face it, not too many of us are huge fans of insects. Of course, there are people who embrace the insect kingdom and...
Arachnophobia in Tennessee as Thousands of Spiders Invade!
Residents of North Memphis, Tennessee have been shaken by a spider invasion. Thousands of sheetweb spiders have banded together to form an arachnid army...
How to Face Things that Really Scare You
We all have our fears. Some of our fears are rational, based on actual dangers, and others, not so much. Fear is a primal...