Tag: smile

7 Strange Yet Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

It’s picture time. You know the drill, keep your mouth shut at all costs. Over the years, you have perfected the closed mouth smile...

6 Things To Do Before Getting Out Of Bed In The...

When the alarm clock goes off, most of us either hit snooze or groggily get out of bed without much thought about how we’re...

Want To Live Longer? Do This

Are you an optimistic person by nature or a "Debbie Downer?" If you chose the latter, then it’s time to lighten up. Science now...

4 Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

There are a ton of teeth whitening products on the shelves of drug stores today, but most of them are expensive, filled with chemicals,...

Sometimes Smiling is the Best Medicine

When you smile, it triggers activity in your brain - specifically in your left frontal cortex. This is the part of your brain in...

7 Reasons Smiling Helps You Look and Feel Your Best

Most people smile without thinking twice, because it is a natural reaction to things that we find thoughtful, funny or happy. This natural reaction...

Can You Smile Your Way to Great Health?

It is hard to enjoy truly good health if you are unhappy. Unhappiness, especially if it is prolonged and characterized by a negative attitude...

7 Healthy Habits to Start this Week

Do you absolutely dread Mondays? Have you ever found yourself so discouraged for the day ahead that you can barely get out of bed?...

7 Ways to Get Out of A Funk

You know what it's like: you wake up one morning and the moment you're able to think clearly, it hits you. A wave of...

6 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood

If you frequently find yourself waking up wishing that you could stay in bed and escape the daily grind, consider incorporating  just a few...