Tag: seaweed
10 Sea Ingredients To Use In Your Beauty Routine
We’re always excited to discover new ingredients for our DIY natural beauty toolbox, and this week we’re diving deep into the surprising array of...
Thyroid Health + 7 More Reasons To Start Eating Kelp
While I know that many people in the Western world find them off-putting, I absolutely adore sea vegetables. Red, brown, green, crispy, chewy… they...
These Ancient Superfoods Can Combat Fatigue, Hypertension And More
These superfoods may be all the rage, but they’re hardly new on the scene. In fact, they’re so old, you could call them ancient....
Why Seaweed Is The New Gold
Seaweed is now a multi-billion dollar a year business, though a highly unregulated one. The vast majority is produced for human consumption but is now...
New Superfood: Seaweed That Tastes Like Bacon?
Yes, you read that right — researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) have recently stumbled upon a discovery that could change the market for...
Seaweed Is the Hottest Handcrafted Food, with Maine Leading the Market
Maine is the biggest seaweed harvester in America, and seaweed has become big business. More than 20 companies in Maine cultivate or harvest seaweed...
Reduce Yeast Overgrowth with These 4 Foods
We hear news about various types of bacteria and viruses all the time, yet one major health culprit often gets overlooked: yeast, namely Candida...
8 Green Foods You Don’t Want to Pass Up
You’ve probably heard by now that for optimal health, it’s best to incorporate a wide variety of colorful fresh foods into your diet. Eating...
8 Ways to Detox from Heavy Metals
Let’s face it, we are exposed to an alarming amount of toxins on a daily basis. From the BPA that lines your canned goods...
Try These Seaweeds Loaded With Iodine and Antioxidants
Seaweed is one of nature’s most amazing superfoods. It is one of the most nutritionally dense foods on earth and the most abundant source...