Tag: scale

Use These 4 Essential Oils To Lose Weight

Essential oils can be a divisive subject. There are those who are firm believers in their ability to do everything from treat acne (tea...

7 Ways To End Yo-Yo Weight Loss And Gain Once And...

You stare in the mirror each morning, squeezing your belly fat, looking at the chicken wings otherwise known as arms, and promising yourself you’re...

Another Reason to Ditch the Scale – The Deceptive Effect of...

Many people, in the quest to achieve a healthy body size, attempt to chart their progress by frequent visits to the bathroom scale to...

Why You Should Ignore the Scale When Trying to Lose Weight

When you set out on a weight loss journey, the scale can be your worst enemy. While it may seem like tracking your weight...

Are You Addicted to the Scale?

Do you have a scale in your house? If so, how many times a year, month, week, day or even hour do you step...