Tag: recipes

Refreshing Watermelon Recipes

Watermelon is a tasty, juicy fruit that many people enjoy eating at summer picnics, but it’s not one that is normally discussed in terms...

The Gluten-free Pseudo Whole-grain Packed With Protein

By now you've probably tasted quinoa, and probably even know how to pronounce it ("keen-wah"). Maybe you've come to love it because it's a...

We’re Thankful For You!

To you, your family and your friends, we wish you a safe, happy and joyful holiday. Thank you for being part of this alternative movement. Now let's eat!

Summer’s Not a Wrap Yet! Try These Cajun Avocado Salmon Wraps...

Even though the kiddies are starting to go back to school, summer is not over yet! There is still time to dip into your...

The Sweetest Apple Coleslaw [Recipe]

This time of year always takes me back to being a kid.  Great memories of being at the beach.  My mom could never pull...

A Little Fat in Your Salad Dressing Helps Absorb More Nutrients

Summer is all about cooking light and healthy. We no longer need to thrive off of the comfort food that we long for in...

The Nutritious Side of Coconut Milk Ice Cream [Recipe]

Coconut milk ice cream is not only refreshing, but it has numerous health benefits to it as well. Just in time for the triple...

Healthy Appetizers: 3 Tips for Choosing Whole Grain Crackers

It seems no office party, house party, or other festive event is complete without a tray of cheese and crackers--it's practically a party staple....

How to Store and Prepare Your Fresh Market Veggies and a...

The newness of June. I love summer. I love that we can get outside more often and enjoy the fresh fruits and veggies that...

Protein Packed Stevia and Cocoa Brownies

Need a healthy, spring time desert recipe for those warm evenings? Ever thought of using Stevia instead of Sugar to bake? The Protein Packed...