Tag: processed foods
Don’t Eat Your Carbs Alone: Understanding the Glycemic Index
Have you ever polished off a big bowl of fruit only to be hungry within the hour? This can be frustrating, especially if you...
Sneaky Trans Fat Hiding in These Deadly Foods
Trans fatty acids, or trans fats as they are more commonly referred to, are "fake" fats that clog arteries, increase the levels of low...
The Staggering Health Care Costs of a Processed Diet That Eventually...
It signifies a sad state of affairs in our country that it actually costs less to eat junk food than a healthy meal. Processed...
KFC Boneless Chicken Only 50% Meat: What Happened to Real Food?
Statistics show that processed foods make up about 70 percent of the typical American’s diet - a truly frightening majority. So, what exactly ARE...
Top Five Worst So-Called ‘Health’ Foods
When choosing items labeled as ‘healthy,’ we need to be very careful. Many corporations have caught onto the fact that more and more consumers...
The Absolute Worst Creamers For Your Coffee
If you start your morning with a cup of coffee, beware of non-dairy coffee creamers - especially the powdered, flavored varieties. These imposters contain...
Top 5 Worst Artificial Colors
The vibrant, glaringly-bright artificial colors found in so many of today’s foods may spell significant trouble for your health. Artificial food colorings offer no...
Natural Flavoring Made From Anal Secretions of Beavers?
As conscious health advocates, we know that staying away from artificial flavoring is an important step in leading a healthy lifestyle. But, what about...
Fast Food Kids’ Meals Market Poisons to Our Children
The National Restaurant Association (NRA) launched its Kids Live Well program 18 months ago in a reported attempt to hold restaurants to higher nutritional...
How Acidic Are You? Why a pH Balanced Diet is Crucial
Over acidity, which is highly common today, is a dangerous condition that contributes to a host of serious health conditions. An acidic internal environment...