Tag: processed foods

Foods that Cause Inflammation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTmcY8XA0x8 One of the biggest hazards to your health out there is inflammation. Inflammation is a key player in the development of many illnesses, including...

Study Connects Ramen Noodles to Chronic Disease

While it is well-known that processed foods are not a healthy choice (and should really be avoided entirely), many specific foods in this category...

Your Food Choices May be Influenced by the Type of Bacteria...

If you're having difficulty sticking to your diet, it may not just be a lack of willpower. A new study published in the journal...

5 Ways to Bypass the Industrial Diet

The industrial diet, also known as the Western diet and the Standard American Diet (SAD), is quite literally killing us. The rise in popularity of...

The One Thing You Can Do Now to Avoid Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a blanket term for a cluster of risk factors that significantly increase your odds of developing heart disease and other chronic...

Why Prevention is Always Best

All too many Americans who are in generally good health do not give much thought to the possibility that their health could fail due...

The 15 Sneaky Places Where High Fructose Corn Syrup Hides

Fact: Over 13 million youth in America are obese, and childhood obesity has quadrupled in the last 40 years. Fact: Over 70 percent of obese...

What You Need to do Now to Save Your Liver

Regular snacking has its benefits, often helping to keep blood glucose levels under control as well as keeping you from overeating at your next...

Why Hot Dogs and Lunch Meat Should Never be on the...

Lean cuts of organic meats are often considered healthy contributions to a well-rounded diet. Yet many people are under the misconception that deli meats...

Is Store Bought Yogurt Junk Food in Disguise?

One of the hottest topics in nutrition these days involves the mini microbes that help keep your gut function in top shape. As food...