Tag: processed foods

The Hidden Dangers of Sugar, Processed Meat, and Ultraprocessed Foods for...

What you eat could be putting your colon at serious risk. Colorectal cancer is on the rise, especially among younger adults, and the culprits...

Research Reveals That This Food May Cause Cancer

Recent years have had researchers and medical experts expounding the risks of eating too much red meat, and how steak- and burger-lovers everywhere should...

These Easy Tricks Can Help Increase Your Natural Antibodies

When foreign infectious pathogens like bacteria and viruses enter the body, your immune system produces antibodies to protect. So, the stronger your immune system...

Are You Killing Your Digestive Tract With These Foods?

Food is either your friend or your enemy. Especially when it comes to digestive health. Regularly eating unhealthy foods that harm your digestive system...

If You Are Still Eating Ramen Noodles, Read This

I remember my college days like a blur. With a stacked class schedule, heavy participation in athletics, and student life, there was precious little...

5 Reasons Why Your Pets Are Dying From Cancer So Young...

Few things are more heartbreaking than learning your pet is sick. Unfortunately, cancer rates in dogs and cats have risen significantly over the last...

New Study: Processed Corn Loses Its Cancer-Fighting Properties

Cream it, steam it or cook it on the cob, corn can be every bit as nutritious as it is delicious. The veggie has...

5 Dangers Of Sodium Nitrites In Your Food

In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially designated processed meats as “carcinogenic to humans.” This finding was long overdue because scientists have known...

3 Foods That Might Be Making You Depressed

We’ve all felt down in the dumps before. It’s a crummy feeling, and for some, it’s a state-of-mind that can be tough to shake....

Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldn’t Ignore

Lupus is a shape-shifting disease that can masquerade as any number of maladies. It’s a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder that can strike anyone, at...