Tag: Privacy

Keeping Your Bitcoin Safe: Lessons from an $800 Million Mistake

Losing access to your Bitcoin wallet can be a costly mistake - just ask James Howells, who accidentally threw away a hard drive containing...

13 Ways To Stay Motivated When You’re Working From Home

Many people have a love-hate relationship with working from home. There’s the joy of the flexible schedule, the ready access to snacks, and the...

Could The Ten Year Facebook Now and Then Challenge Be a...

If you haven’t done it yet, you probably have plenty of “friends” that have. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have been featuring then and now...

12 Hidden Facebook Features And Secrets (#11 Is SHOCKING)

Let’s face it, Facebook has become a major part of our lives. From family pictures to recent engagement announcements to newborn baby updates, Facebook is where...

Big Brother In The Bathroom: Scientists May Use Cell Data To...

Does the wastewater from your toilet contain dirty little secrets that you wouldn't want anyone to know about? Surprising as it may seem, epidemiologists...

Would You Take A Digital Pill That Allows Others To Track...

Cindy doesn’t always take her medications as prescribed. That can be a problem because this twenty-something mother of three has been diagnosed with schizophrenia....

What’s Up Facebook, Are You or Aren’t You Listening?

A recent report claims that Facebook may know a little too much about its users, taking over your smartphone’s own microphone to listen and...

What Should Facebook Really Be Used For?

A Utah apartment complex has demanded that tenants friend them on Facebook as a requirement of their leasing agreement. It also asked them to...

Does a Federal Database of Gun Owners Make Sense?

Hawaii could be about to make history, but not everyone is happy. The state is now on the cusp of creating new regulations that...

Cable Company Runs Wire through Neighbor’s Yard Without Asking

What would you do if you woke up to find your neighbor's cable line snaking through your backyard? If you’re like most, you’d be...