Tag: posture

These People Don’t Ever Have Back Pain… Why?

Back pain affects an estimated 80 percent of Americans at one time or another. Although many accept this pain as an inevitable part of...

The Absolute Best Pooping Posture

Although both comfortable and convenient, it turns out sitting on the toilet is not the best position to take when defecating. Both scientists and...

5 Yogic Tips to Sit Smarter at Your Desk

There’s no denying it: we sit in front of screens too much, and it’s killing us. Sitting, like, smoking, drinking soda, or sleep deprivation,...

5 Reasons Sitting on the Floor is Good For Your Health

In countries all over the world, you can find people performing an action that, at first glance, may appear strange. When they eat, watch...

What is Primal Posture and Why Should You Care?

Esther Gokhale, who has studied the posture of people in less developed places throughout the world - where back pain is virtually unheard of...

The Importance of Good Posture for Your Health

While striving to live a healthy life, we often forget that sometimes the simplest things can lead to the most significant changes. One thing...

Improve Digestion and Overall Health with Good Posture

With everything that you have to juggle in a day, your posture may not be something you think about regularly - but perhaps you...

Is Your Breathing Actually Hurting You? 11 Ways Belly Breathing Can...

You may be thinking, “of course I know how to breathe!” Not breathing equals not living. However, there is a big difference between really...

10,000 Steps a Day Helps You Reach Your Full Genetic Potential

Movement is critical to a healthy, long and enjoyable life. The old saying, “if you don’t use it you will lose it,” is very...

4 Reasons Why Your Butt Should Be On an Exercise Ball...

It is just after lunch, and you find yourself slouching over your work desk. Your shoulders are curved, you have a pinch in your...