Tag: peppermint

Make Your Own Natural Headache Remedy

I am always trying to find more natural approaches to everyday medical issues. Headaches are one of those. This pillow is just what I...

4 Great Reasons For Diffusing Essential Oils (Part I)

Your sense of smell plays a large part in your everyday life, from influencing how you think and what mood you're in, to what...

Cool Your Tired Tootsies With This Whipped Foot Lotion

Do you have tired, aching and cracked feet due to the rough summer months? Do you go barefoot or wear sandals most of the...

Keep Your Yoga Mat Odor Free With This DIY Cleaning Spray

Have you ever considered how dirty and full of germs your yoga mat is? If you haven’t thought about it, maybe it’s time you...

How to Make Your Own Shower Spray

Do you struggle with buying shower cleaning products at the store, not knowing for sure what is in them? Sure, you have seen the...

Simple DIY All Natural Bubble Bath

Do you love to fill your bathtub full of hot water and bubbles after a long day at work? Or perhaps when you’ve been...

Simple Homemade Headache Remedies That Actually Work

Headaches really are one of life’s great injustices. There you are, happily going about your day, and next thing… wham! It hits you seemingly...

10 Natural Remedies To Soothe A Sore Throat

A sore throat is a common complaint that can sometimes lead to more serious complications. Since a bacterial infection is rarely the cause of...

26 Essential Oils to Relieve Pain and Help You Sleep Like...

Although essential oils are strong and effective, they aren’t dangerous when used appropriately, unlike some prescription pain or sleep medications. Only use products made...

6 Essential Oils That Are As Strong As Conventional Medicine

It’s a sad fact that, despite advancements in Western medicine, the overall health of the world’s population is declining. Illness and disease have spread...