Tag: odor

Why Your Vagina Stinks and How to Fix It

Vaginas can be a touchy subject — even though all of us ladies have ‘em. When you suspect that something may be wrong, it...

Put This Fruit In Your Armpits For Less B.O.

No one wants to smear a product all over their pits, knowing that it is packed full of harmful additives. However, a trail of...

9 Strange Things To Do With Used Tea Bags

Sure, coffee grounds can be useful around the house, but what about tea? Better yet, what about used tea bags? Save money by using...

Try These 5 Natural Hacks To Kill Shoe Odor Overnight

You’ve just got back from a long run. You’re tired and sweaty, and plonk down on the couch with a glass of water and...

This Electronic Nose Can Detect 19 Diseases From Your Breath

There’s no doubt about it, having a disease stinks. Most of the time we use an expression like that figuratively. But what if health...

Here’s How Pheromones Are Driving Your Sex Life

Cupid’s arrow has long symbolized the mysteries of sexual attraction. But what factors really drive romantic interest? Scientists speculate that airborne chemical signals known...

Oranges, Apples And Celery Can Make Your Pits Smell Better. Here’s...

Some fruits have pits — but what about using fruits and other plant-based foods on your own pits? Ha, I know that sounds weird,...

Foods that Combat Body Odor

A common issue that many people have but few like to discuss is body odor. Whether it is bad breath, stinky feet, or an...

Chemical-Free Ways to Tackle Body Odor

The hot weather has arrived, and with the heat comes increased sweating and the rise of natural body odors. Deodorant is a product which...

3 Things That Affect Your Body Odor

Body odor is frequently something that is joked about, and attributed to poor hygiene or the need to take a bath. Often, however, this...