Tag: obesity

8 Signs of Sleep Apnea

Along with the skyrocketing obesity epidemic, sleep apnea has become more and more prevalent in our society. Approximately 18 million Americans have this serious...

Grains vs. Seeds: What’s the Scoop?

You probably know what the difference between a grain and a seed is, but many people don’t realize there is a big difference in...

The Addictive “Reward” No One Needs

Your child just aced a test, or won a big basketball game - sounds like a reason to celebrate! It couldn't hurt to treat...

Want to Drop that Stubborn Muffin Top? Add Acupuncture to a...

America’s obesity epidemic is downright frightening; more than a third are considered to be obese and that number is expected to grow to 42%...

Why Diet Soda Bleepin’ Sucks

"Diet soda is one of the biggest health scams preying on well-meaning dieters looking for a sweet calorie-free beverage." Dr. Joseph Mercola "Diet soda makes...

Study: Stress During Early Development Leads to Adult ‘Emotional Eating’

Emotional eating, or eating to satisfy an emotionally-based craving, is strongly linked to our nation's rising obesity rate, according to the National Institutes of...

Levels of Sugar Considered Safe by USDA Kill Mice

So, by now you probably have a good idea where The Alternative Daily stands when it comes to excess sugar intake. We have published...

$290 Million in Consumer Taxes Used to Subsidize the Junk Food...

If what we know is true and facts are facts, why are our tax dollars subsidizing an industry and products that we know are...

Diabetes Risk Plummets with Weight Loss

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong, chronic condition with serious negative effects on your entire body. It can cause everything from kidney failure and...

Childhood Obesity Rates Skyrocket: Make Health a Family Affair

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity in the United States has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in...